전체 리스트

The Holy Dew Spirit and  the Water of Life

The Holy Dew Spirit and the Water of Life

Danbi! Let's Go to the Chunbukyo Church!

The Olive Tree and  the Chunbukyo Church

The Olive Tree and the Chunbukyo Church

Danbi! Let's Go to the Chunbukyo Church!

Episode 2: The Symbol of Dove and the Story of Noah

Episode 2: The Symbol of Dove and the Story of Noah

Danbi! Let's Go to the Chunbukyo Church! 비둘기 상과 노아 이야기

God, the Olive Tree, the Giver of Salvation!

God’s sermon to be broadcast on Holy Dew Spirit Day in 2021

Now let me talk about salvation. There are many religions, hundreds of thousands of them, including their denominations, all addressing the issue of salvation.
Why do we believe in these religions? With an average life span of 80 years humans crave for immortality and come up with such notions as the hereafter, paradise, nirvana and heaven, all raving how good they are. But I say to you today that none of them will take you there nor save any of you Now you should know how humans on this earth were created. You should know that humans on the earth in this universe are living the life in the First Hell. The life you are living now is a life in hell and you are most likely to be thrown into the fire pit of the Second Hell. Why is it a life in hell? In the beginning God created the First Heaven, and three trillion years ago He created this earth and its universe. In the First Heaven, however, as humans, a multitude of them, committed sin, their souls were condemned and have been judged over this period of 3 trillion years. This is the First Hell. Nobody knows about it except God. During those three trillion years humans received judgment every five thousand years on average. As they go on procreating to the limit every five thousand years, give or take, they get struck down by judgment. How many times have they been so judged? Divide three trillion by five thousand and you get the number. In Noah’s time God carried out the judgment with water. The period before Noah’s flood was 5,000 years on average. When the number of humans who died in this period was less, the period was shortened. By the same token, when more people died, the period got lengthened. In any event by Noah’s time the population had reached its limit after five thousand years and God unleashed the judgment with the great flood. The rain started to come down. After forty days and forty nights, the whole earth including all the high mountains lay under water. This raises the question: "However hard it may have rained for forty days, could it raise the flood level so high as to cover the whole world including the highest mountains so that no land could be seen?" It’s hard to believe. Calculate the amount of rainfall in 40 days, then the size of dry land on earth, rivers and oceans, along with the speed of flowing water per second. The inevitable conclusion is that the whole earth cannot be covered with water, however hard the rain may fall for forty days. Now, listen carefully. During Noah’s flood the amount of water and soil from the ground was much larger than the amount of the rainfall. At the time the mountains were a lot bigger, ten to twenty times wider around than those of today, which are sharp-pointed and mostly rocky. The earth before the flood was mostly land without much water. As the rain continued, the land mass of the mountains, ten, twenty times larger than that of today’s mountains, washed down, filling the rivers and oceans. The amount of earth filling up the spaces far exceeded that of the water. No one has had a clue to this before. This is like a landslide burying a valley tens of thousands of meters deep, along with what water there may be. Whole sides split off mountains to level the ground below, splashing into the water from the rain. This is how even the highest mountains came under water. Only eight members of Noah’s family survived aboard the ark, adrift with no land in sight. When the rain stopped, Noah sent out a dove that returned with an olive leaf in its beak, a symbol of the Olive Tree, God incarnate in human form, who descends as the Holy Dew Spirit today to save humanity at the end of time. Now the earth has come to the limit. It’ll get much colder in Korea. In 1955 I predicted that when snow comes between spring and summer in Korea, the end of the earth is near. Even if the seeds are sown early, the cold will strike before the crops ripen for the harvest, yielding no food for mankind, gradually but irreversibly. As the end of three trillion years nears, God is here in human form. As written, “I will be like dew…” (Hosea 14:5), the spirit of God will descend like dew. Also written is, “His splendor will be like an olive tree” (Hosea 14:6). Thus, the one who bestows the Holy Dew grace which symbolizes the spirit of God is the Olive Tree, and He is descending the grace like dew In the beginning of our church, even when I led the meetings indoors, grace like mist came down so thick that one could hardly see the next person, visible and, then, invisible. After a meeting in South Gyeongsang Province I moved to Seoul, and so did almost all Christians, big church leaders included, to participate in my ten-day meetings, clapping hands in rapture. Also in attendance were many terminally ill, who had been told by their doctors: “Your illness is incurable. So, go home and rest.” However, completely cured, they rose and ran. In the beginning God poured down grace like dew to prove the truth about the Olive Tree. Now you should know how to get salvation.
In order to enter the eternal world of Heaven you should qualify for immortality by not sinning even in thought. When you are about to sin, stop, get a grip on yourself, and turn away, thus scoring a victory over yourself. You should win. The first requirement is not to sin, daring even death itself.
You cannot be saved if you keep sinning. Damned to hell you will be. When thrown into the fire of the Second Hell, you’ll exclaim, “Ah, life on earth was the first punishment! Why did I commit sin in the First Heaven, wallowing in riches and fame, only to come to the first punishment and be thrown into the Second Hell?” However much you regret, it is no use. However hard you cry, beat the ground, and wail, it won’t help. Hell is where you suffer for eternity. You should avoid it. To avoid it, you should think straight and be alert.
I am the one who makes the last judgment like a thresher that separates the grain from the chaff. Held in my hands are both salvation and judgment. Even though all the people on earth shout a billion times, “The end of the world is at hand,” the world will not come to an end. The world will come to an end when the Creator comes and closes it down. I am that Creator, incarnate in human form, to fulfill my promise to save mankind.
As written, “I will be like dew,” God is to appear in human form to save mankind, pouring forth grace like dew. Verily I have the hands of power to transform people into eternal beings, however many they may be, hundred million, ten billion, hundred billion, trillion, ten trillion, hundred trillion, quadrillion. Mine are those hands of power. Let us sing this hymn together. < Hymn 549 >
Look, in the desert rich flowers are springing,
Streams ever copious are gliding along;
Loud from the mountain tops echoes are ringing,
Wastes rise in verdure, and mingle in the song. See, from all lands, from the isles of the ocean,
Praise in Jehovah ascending on high;
Fallen are the engines of war and commotion,
All rights reserved. Reproduction or redistribution of this material without permission is strictly prohibited. 하나님 말씀의 저작권은 한국천부교전도관부흥협회 및 한국천부교전도관유지재단에 있으며 저작권자의 허가없이 말씀을 출판ㆍ복사ㆍ전재하는 것은 저작권법 위반행위로 민ㆍ형사상의 법적 책임의 대상이 됩니다.

Welcome to Shinangchon

Welcome to Shinangchon

Shinangchon introduction

■ Shinangchon is a religious community Shinangchon is a religious community where believers of the Chunbukyo faith live and work together. It was built so that believers can live together and lead a cleaner life in the grace of God. Blessed by God, Shinangchon is truly the Holy City of Chunbukyo where boundless joy and […]

Only when you become righteous with the Holy Dew Spirit, you can reach salvation.

God’s sermon broadcast on Thanksgiving Day in 2020 이슬성신으로 의로워져야 구원 얻어요

All religions say they will guide you to a good place. Buddhists talk about paradise and Christians talk about salvation, but they explain nothing about human creation. I’ve explained to you about the very purpose of creating mankind and some of you must have heard it tens of times.
Humans on this earth may think they are living luxurious lives. As the Creator, I say your lives here are those of hell and you are being punished here. Thus, this world is very complicated and, however rich or powerful, no humans feel comfortable here at heart.
Despite all the complexity around you, you’ll feel most comfort and peace when your sins are forgiven and cleansed by God, when you become pure inside and out. You are achieving Heaven in your mind, becoming qualified to get into Heaven, which is the most precious goal.
Even those who have the power to shake the world and every property on earth cannot sleep in peace with their legs stretched. They are bothered by anxiety, uneasiness, pain, sometimes futility and pessimism. Their insides are infected by a swarm of devils from hell. Their minds know no peace.
There is a hymn which depicts this earth as Hell: “No haven of rest awaits this body of mine faring on the troubled path of life. No place is free from worry and trouble.” The earth is depicted as Hell that you fell into from First Heaven. “The Heavenly Kingdom is my home, where I must return.” It is a hymn seeking one’s original home in First Heaven. We should now seek to go to Second Heaven. Shall we sing the hymn?
(Hymn 507)
No haven of rest awaits this body of mine faring on the troubled path of life.
No place is free from worry and trouble. The Kingdom of Heaven is my home where I must return.
Even if blown by cold winds in the wilderness, the road remaining is not long. Even if swept down by snowstorms from over the mountain, the Kingdom of Heaven is my home where I must return.
If you get rid of sin and become righteous, your life becomes so precious that it cannot be bartered for anything in the world. Is there anything more blessing? There is nothing more valuable anywhere in the world. Everything will be resolved if you get rid of sin. That is the end of the story.
The reason why you are prostrate here today is to have your mind cleansed to achieve salvation. By possessing a mind of such holiness and beauty, your acts and life on this earth will become of utmost brilliance and preciousness. I believe you have come to me at this hour for that purpose. Endeavor earnestly and beseech intently to attain those holy traits. I am the very one, the Almighty God, who washes away all your sins.
As it is written in the Book of Hosea, “I will be like dew….” (Hosea 14:5) and “His splendor will be like an olive tree...” (Hosea 14:6), the grace of the Almighty God is to descend like dew.
Today, you are sitting down spaced apart. When our church started, you were packed tightly, making it difficult to even clap your hands, and grace like dew was descending in thick mists. The grace is coming down now, and it is the most precious grace of all.
As the scripture is written, “Receive the Holy Spirit, out of his belly shall flow the rivers of living water,” (John 7:38), today the real water of life is flowing. They are not just words. The grace is going out. The living water mentioned in the scripture is the Water of Life, the water of the Holy Dew Spirit.
How do I bless the water? Our church members bring well water or tap water in tightly sealed bottles and leave them about 10 meters away and I bless them. Even if the bottles were placed inside a safe made with steel walls 100 meters thick, the grace goes in through.
If you keep blessed water and ordinary water in separate bottles undisturbed in a safe for three or five years, you would see the difference. You will find the ordinary water putrid, with scum floating on top. However, you would find the blessed water crystal clear, like distilled water. This is the power of God.
A gruesome emaciated corpse once rubbed with the water of life, after a few hours, takes on graceful flesh and the face, 100 times more repulsive when he was alive, changes back beautifully. Once purple or colorless lips begin to glow and take on color as if they had fleshly applied lipstick. The limbs stiff from rigor mortis become pliant and flexible, to the extent that you can move their hands as if they were clapping.
This miraculous transformation is scientific proof that the sins were washed away. With graceful flesh appearing, the corpse became simply beautiful. It’s all because of the power of the water of life that cleanses away sins. The grace like dew that solves the issue of sin completely, the Holy Dew Spirit that cleanses and makes it beautiful―this is the most precious Holy Spirit, which only God can bring forth.
You attain salvation when your sins are cleansed and your mind becomes pure and beautiful. Jesus Christ did not know this. Without any knowledge about salvation, he says, “Believe in me and you shall get eternal life. Whoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”(Romans 10:13). It only proves he does not know anything about salvation.
Humans are mortal because of sin. So, you should know how to get rid of sin. This is an essential point. Because Jesus himself did not know how to resolve this issue, all humans have been in total darkness for 2,000 years. They believe they can go to Heaven, even though they continue to commit sin. Jesus takes the blame for this.
People do not even try to purge sin, as they believe that they will be saved anyway. They ask incredulously, “How can humans live without committing sin?” As they have been taught that they can be saved even if they commit sins, they all have become sons of destruction.
As Jesus claimed to be the main character for salvation and behaved as such for 2,000 years, all people on earth have been misled and, with the sins continuously multiplying, they only get farther away from salvation. They race in the opposite direction from salvation. The blind is leading the blind, becoming all the more blind.
The worst religion is the one which insists the one, who is not God, who is not the son of God and who is actually the devil, to be the son of God. That is the worst enemy of God. Then, should you rely upon faith alone without knowing about salvation? Or, should you become qualified to be saved? You should become qualified. Then, you should behave like those to be judged by the Law of Libert In the book of James, it is written, “Speak and act as those who shall be judged by the Law of Liberty.”(James 2:12). This Law of Liberty is the law of conscience. If a person has a trace of lustful thought, he or she would be judged by the Law of Liberty. To keep the Law of Liberty, one’s thought must not be tainted by even a trace of lust.
You touch a microphone with greed, but until you snatch and stash it away in your pocket, it does not constitute a crime. But under the Law of Liberty the moment the greed kicks in, you have committed theft. You are not guilty of murder even if, driven by excessive impulse, you grab a gun or pistol. But under the Law of Liberty, at the very onset of hatred, you are guilty of murder. The Law of Liberty is about your mind and thought. Sin should be uprooted from there Therefore, those of you who listen to my sermon today, should not sin in mind and thought. Sin should be uprooted by cleansing your thoughts.
Of course, in this world full of sins, such as lust, stubbornness, arrogance, jealousy and hatred, it is not simple to just get rid of them To have nothing to do with sin, you must do your best not to sin and you should have your sins cleansed. You should wash them away with the Water of Life, be connected with the grace like dew, and bloom beautifully with the Holy Dew Spirit. And I am the very one who teaches the way, washes away your sins, resolves the issue of sin, and finally gives you salvation. You should know the precious value of what I offer and follow me.
Let us sing this hymn together.
(Hymn 526)
Looking at the beauty and honor of God,
I forget all the worry and walk on the holy path.
There is the holy path with no sad cloud,
I walk on the holy path bright like the daylight.
All rights reserved. Reproduction or redistribution of this material without permission is strictly prohibited. 하나님 말씀의 저작권은 한국천부교전도관부흥협회 및 한국천부교전도관유지재단에 있으며 저작권자의 허가없이 말씀을 출판ㆍ복사ㆍ전재하는 것은 저작권법 위반행위로 민ㆍ형사상의 법적 책임의 대상이 됩니다.

‘나도 성결함을 사모하게 됐어요’

‘나도 성결함을 사모하게 됐어요’

제시카 리 / 뉴욕교회

기장신앙촌에서의 경험으로 하나님의 말씀이 항상 내 마음을 사로잡게 돼 지금 제 기억 속의 기장신앙촌은 멋진 곳으로 남아있습니다. 뉴욕에 살면서 독립적인 생활에 익숙했던 저는 저에게 많은 관심을 보이며 신경 써주시던 신앙촌 사람들이 굉장히 새로웠습니다. 게다가 신앙촌은 확고한 믿음의 생활로 이루어진 무척이나 아름다운 곳임이 느껴졌습니다. 또한 기장신앙촌에서 연주를 할 수 있었던 것이 매우 기뻤습니다. 뉴욕에서도 끊임없이 연습을 […]

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