전체 리스트

A Hymn Which Depicts Hell to Cause Longing for Heaven

지옥을 그려 놓고 천국을 바라게 만든 찬송가 507장

A Hymn Which Depicts Hell to Cause Longing for Heaven In several places in the Bible, I inserted the mention of mankind’s fall from First Heaven to First Hell for the sins they committed. I will talk about one of those insertions. The earth is depicted as hell in verses of the scripture. At the […]

All Things Work Together For Good

합동하여 유익하게 돼요

All Things Work Together For Good What so-called religious leaders of this world do is mostly fight and split up. They split up, divide again, and then some more, until all’s split up. The devil’s work in this world is jealousy, envy, hate, and finally murder. So it is the devil that splits, divides, and […]

Be Near to God

하나님을 가까이 하라

Be Near to God God values what you want at heart, from within, in truth, and has no use for your ego, your supposed merit or excellence. I value honesty, looking to your heart, and detest and condemn cunning and concealment, the slither and sleaze of a snake. Therefore one who lives with Him grows […]

Gravity Alone Cannot Explain the Earth’s Movements

인력의 학설만으로는 지구의 운행을 다 설명할 수 없음

Gravity Alone Cannot Explain the Earth’s Movements The accepted theory of gravity is the biggest of hoaxes. There is nothing more difficult than the adjustment of gravity, as it involves particle calculations as well as calculations on heating the earth. Each and every element has a different gravity and temperature. Moreover, calculating all the forces […]

God Keeps the Earth’s Gravity Uniform

지구상의 인력을 균일하게 조절해 주시는 하나님

God Keeps the Earth’s Gravity Uniform What worldly scholars say about gravity is a hoax. This statement may puzzle those who have some school learning. But a few words of explanation will make them exclaim, “Oh, how incredible is this hidden truth!” A speck of dust clings to a tennis ball. Even if the ball […]

God Makes Infinite Calculations to Evenly Heat the Earth

지열을 조절하기 위하여 수없이 계산을 하시는 하나님

God Makes Infinite Calculations to Evenly Heat the Earth Unspeakably difficult is the task of making the Earth’s heat rise evenly to the surface. Even if all the humans ever born were all alive now, they couldn’t solve that one problem. I can go on talking about the Earth forever. To the human eye, rocks […]

God Maintains the Earth’s Temperature

지구의 지열을 조절하시는 하나님

God Maintains the Earth’s Temperature God runs all the constellations of the universe. I want to talk briefly about how God runs the Earth, one of the puniest among celestial bodies ranking 1 on a scale of 1 to 100. People often think crops grow by themselves, but just to keep the Earth warm an […]

God’s Precious Hand of Salvation

하나님의 귀하신 구원의 손

God’s Precious Hand of Salvation From the beginning of history to the present, no one has pointed out that humans are essentially composed of the devil. There is no way anyone can know this, unless he be the creator himself. Suppose he did just two things: point out the diabolic composition and explain in detail […]

Those Who Transform When Told to Shine

빛을 발하라 할 때 화하는 자

Those Who Transform When Told to Shine The Bible says, “Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left.” (Matthew 24:40-41, Luke 17:35) When asked about this, even Uchimura Kanzo, the century’s […]

When the Holy Dew Spirit First Descended

이슬성신이 처음 내렸을 때

When the Holy Dew Spirit First Descended The grace of the Holy Dew Spirit came down for the first time in March 1955. Upon its descent I made what is called the water of life. By then Ms. Yungshin Im and Mr. Chiyung Yoon had experienced grace and took part in the worship service, clapping […]

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