Hello, English
Check up & Guess what* 괄호안의 단어들을 바른 순서대로 나열하세요.
1. 나는 실수를 많이 했어. (made, I, mistakes, a lot of)
2. 우리는 밤새 벼락치기 했어. (all, we, night, crammed)
* 아래 설명하는 나는 무엇일까요?
I’m a series of questions that you must answer or actions that you must perform in order to show how much you know about a subject. What am I?
<GLOSSARY>series 일련, 연속
action 행동
perform 이행하다, 실행하다
in order to ~하기위해서show 보여주다
subject 과목
정답I made a lot of mistakes, We crammed all night, test