
Blessing by Holy Dew Spirit, Power of God

God’s Sermon broadcast on Holy Dew Spirit Day in 2024
발행일 발행호수 2640

■ Holy Dew Spirit which came down when we met at the beginning of Chunbukyo church

  • Ever since our church’s history began, we have had the Holy Dew Spirit Festival every year. However, as I did not explain about it in detail, I will mention the reason why we began to have it first. We decided to have this Festival in the later part in May every year, as the tremendous amount of Holy Dew Spirit came down at this time when we had the meeting.

    At that meeting, renowned persons such as Ms. Yim, Yung-shin and Yoon, Chi-young, also participated and received the grace with many other sick people sitting on the straw-mats, singing hymns and clapping hands. According to Ms. Yim, those patients who looked like corpses who were declared at their hospitals, “You cannot be cured, just wait for the final day,” were gathered there, brought in by trains and trucks, producing horrible smell like half-dead people. However, there was no smell like that, only the fragrance from the Heaven. She witnessed it to the people whenever he had a chance.

    Then, how about Dr. Choi, Chang-soon who was the former Minster of Social Affairs? His leg bone was broken into three pieces due to the traffic accident and taken to the Severance Hospital. I immediately went there, blessed him and told him, “Your leg bone is joined together. Now you can get up and run.” He was a medical doctor. He hesitated, feeling that, “If I get up and run, I might permanently damage it and become a cripple.” But as he had seen what I have done before, he eventually trusted me and got up, going up and down the stairs. He witnessed to it whenever he participated in my tent meetings.

    It is written that the grace like dew is the Spirit of God in the Book of Hosea; 『I will be like the dew…』 And 『His splendor will be like an Olive Tree…』¹⁾ The person who brings down the grace like dew is not the Olive Tree but like the Olive Tree. And He is to appear in the human form and save the mankind. After bringing down the grace, I started to make the Water of Life.

■ The power of the Water of Life that makes the corpses bloom

  • From early days of our church, I have made the Water of Life. I let the church members bring tap water in the plastic bottles. Then, I send blessings in the direction of the bottles, saying “Shh! Shh!.” Then, it becomes the water of the Spirit of the triune God. This is a proof that, from my hands, goes out the Spirit of the triune God.

    This is the Water of Life, the very one we sing in the hymn, “Forever will I dwell on the banks of the river where the water of life flows.” I transform the ordinary water to the water in the Heaven.
    When your relative dies, the corpse becomes very ugly. Not only ugly, but the bones become stiff. With the arms stretching to the side and becoming stiff, the arms should be broken to put the corpse in the coffin. Now, you can put the Water of Life into the mouth. Even though the ordinary water cannot go in even one drop, the Water of Life goes in even one hundred spoons as long as there is a space in the stomach.

    You try it. You will understand it is the water of Power. Now, around five hours later after it gets into the stomach, the bones become lithe and supple. Moreover, the ugly color of the corpse disappears taking a pristine color and the face opens up radiantly. You can try 100 times, even 1,000 times. When you put the Water of life into the mouth, it takes time, but if you wet the towel with it and rub it, it changes immediately. The ugly face becomes beautiful and in some cases it radiates. Mostly, the face blooms and so does the skin of the body.

■ The corpse that will bring to light the truth and falsehood

  • Now, I will show you the true identity of the Christian pastors. It’s all up to them.
    When the Christians with their pastor sing hymns and offer prayers, the face of the corpse becomes dark and the bones become stiff. Thus, the arms which were spread out should be broken in order to put the corpse in the coffin. And the corpse becomes more hardened than before, the eyes pop open and glare more horribly than before.

    Then, they kneel down and pray, “Lord, Jesus, with your precious blood shed on the cross, please make this corpse, which was supple and pliant and even shined but now darker and stiffer, soft enough to get into the coffin.” Let them try for 10 hours, even 100 hours. Now, the more they pray, the more horrible the corpse becomes. In summer, bodily fluids run down from the corpse and puddle on the floor. The corpse becomes even more stiff and ugly like a devil. Then, is the Christian pastor the son of the king devil or what else? You judge it. The result is very clear.

    In the early year of our church, we had a contest with the corpse. The corpse which bloomed beautifully, but if touched by the Christian pastor, the spot touched by his finger blackens. Our church members all witnessed it. It’s same with all other priests, bishops and cardinals. The corpse becomes even more stiff and ugly and the face even more grotesque. Try with the monk. Try with any other religion. The result will be the same. The Catholic sisters make the corpse look like a crow. When you witness it, you can certainly distinguish the truth from falsehood. Here, their lie about God gets clearly exposed.

    After the head mourner expelled the Christians and their pastor, our church members return and reapply the Water of Life. This moment, I transmit grace more strongly. Then, the body part which became stiff and black blooms more beautiful, the gaping angry eyes become beautiful, and the limbs become supple and pliant. The corpse blooms more gorgeously than before. Here, the truth and the fake are being exposed by God. This is God’s judgment, which you should keep in mind.

    Please understand that the blood of Jesus is the most corruptible blood of the king devil. Among the parts of the human body, the blood corrupts fastest. I have written in the Bible, 『When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and …』²⁾ Before coming to this earth, I wanted to refer to the fact that the blood of Jesus is nothing but fraud. The blood is the root of the corruption. To get salvation with the blood is a total nonsense.

    The whole world cannot be saved. And there is no religion that can give the salvation. It will become apparent that only the Creator can make the complete transformation, the perfect recreation, and nobody else can do it.

    Please understand that the grace like dew is precious and so is the Water of Life. The fact that the corpse which was so dark and looked 100 times uglier than when alive changes beautiful, is a scientific proof that the sins are being cleansed. The desiccated skin takes on the graceful flesh and becomes beautiful. It’s because of the God’s power of life which cleanses the sins.

■ The Christian Church is where the blind man is leading the blind

  • The history of the Holy Spirit has been brought about as predicted. However, as the Christian churches do not have the Holy Spirit, they have to lead their church members with their eyes covered. Thus, they are talking about the Water of Life with all kinds of nonsense. They said the water of life was the water in which I washed my feet and cleared my nose. Then, recently, they said it was mixed with some chemicals. Do you think it’s possible to make a whole corpse soften and bloom with chemicals? They keep lying depending upon the situation.

    They know they are false. Then, when what they said about me gets exposed and the truth becomes clear, they cannot open their mouths. They have kept their followers with their eyes covered, but when it’s no longer possible, there is a sentence in the Bible which I inserted, 『I am not strong enough to dig, and I am ashamed to beg.』³⁾
    Pastors and priests, when they are actively functioning, come to the second floor of the church and make sermons, about 5 minutes, 10 minutes at the most, and come down to the first floor. There, with the wild music like Jazz, they engage in all kinds of dances to attract church members. It has been like that for a while. As the church became so much corrupt, they perform all kinds of dances with such loud music like Jazz. It simply shows how much corrupt the church has become, which is very disheartening.

    As it is written in the Bible, 『If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit』⁴⁾it means all of them get into the hell. Blinding with the falsehood, they proceed to the hell. Thus, there is no salvation. They even do not know what the salvation is.

■ Highest Grace: the Holy Dew Spirit and the Water of Life

  • In the Book of Hosea, it is written, 『I will be like the dew…, His splendor will be like an Olive Tree…』Through me, the grace like dew is coming down. The Water of Life is the Holy Spirit. Thus, even though the whole world slandered the Water of Life as the water in which I washed my feet and cleared my nose, 20 years ago, 10 years ago, 5 years ago and even today, I keep blessing it, uttering “Shh!”, handing down my power of grace abundantly.

    Didn’t I say that if I bless the water in the three oceans, I can make it the Water of Life? I also said that the water as large as the universe can be blessed into the Water of Life. Didn’t I?

    The 4.5 billion people on this earth, even the number of the people multiplied by 4.5 billion, if they open their minds, I have the overflowing abundant grace to give them salvation. There is no question about it.

    Shall we sing a hymn together? (No. 526)
    Looking at the beauty and honor of God,
    I forget all the worry and walk on the holy path.
    There is the holy path with no sad cloud,
    I walk on the holy path bright like the daylight.

    <1980. 3. 22. / 1985. 5. 26 God’s Sermon>
  • ¹⁾ Hosea 14:5
    ²⁾ Corinthians 15:53-54
    ³⁾ Luke 16:3
    ⁴⁾ Matthew 15:14, Luke 6:39
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